5 Ways to Decrease your Fuel Costs


Fuel can take up to approximately 60% of a fleet’s total operating costs. Minimize this expense by maximizing your vehicle’s MPG performance with fleet management technology & techniques.

The cost of fuel has gradually increased, and fuel prices are the highest they have been in 7 years. Because of this spike in fuel prices, it’s even more important to implement processes that will keep fuel costs at their lowest.

How can companies lower their fuel costs?

  1. Reduce Idling and Aggressive Driving Behavior-Idling and aggressive driving can put a major dent in the amount of fuel used, causing unnecessary usage of gas. Idling alone can use a quarter of a half-gallon of fuel per hour. Drivers often idle their car when warming their car up or waiting on their next job, especially in warmer months using the A/C to keep cool. Aggressive driving such as harsh cornering, driving over the speed limit, or having to slow down and rev the engine up can cause higher gas usage.

  2. Implement A Fuel Program-Fuel programs usually offer a standard discount for every gallon purchased, although the concession is usually reserved for specific gas stations such as Shell or Exxon. While the rebate is only set aside for specific gas stations, the fuel card that is assigned to each vehicle can still be used to fuel up at most all gas stations. Besides the discount on fuel, there are other benefits to having a fuel program, such as preventing fraud and employing spending limits.

  3. Utilize Closest Routes & Monitor Unnecessary Stops-Encourage drivers to use the closest, safest routes to each of their jobs or intended destinations. Drivers may not consider traffic or distance when getting to and from each job. The most effective way to execute this is by using a GPS tracking service which can provide route optimization which will map out the safest and shortest routes for drivers to take.

  4. Monitor Tires and Conduct Regular Maintenance-Tires are essentially “where the rubber meets the road” and the only part of the vehicle that touches the road. So, its extremely important to make sure they are inflated correctly. A TPMS-tire pressure monitoring system indicates if tires are not inflated to proper PSI. Regular maintenance such as replacing air filters, or simply changing oil on a regular recommended basis can improve mileage by 40%.

  5. Right Size Vehicles-Often vehicles are not necessary for the job at hand. Companies can downsize from trucks and use a smaller more economic vehicle if the vehicle still gets the job done. Choosing the right vehicle for the task is important for managing fuel.

Leasing Associates is equipped with the tools & technology needed to lower fuel costs. If interested reach out to one of our branches. Call or send us a message and we would be more than happy to discuss strategies.

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